



The Bromley Local Plan includes a limited number of sites for the delivery of new homes in Orpington Town Centre and the wider area. However, the redevelopment of the Walnuts Shopping Centre and adjacent sites has materialised following the adoption of the Local Plan. This site could deliver a substantial amount of new homes as part of a comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment. It is expected that a number of non-allocated housing sites will also come forward over the lifetime of the Local Plan.

Delivery of new homes in Orpington Town Centre could contribute significantly to meeting the Borough’s housing target while also helping to ensure that the town centre can adapt to change by incorporating a broader range of uses which will be mutually beneficial. New housing in town centres can help to promote sustainable transport and reduce reliance on private vehicles, and can increase footfall in centres which can help support local businesses.

However, delivering housing numbers alone is not enough; housing must be well designed, high quality and sustainable, and include provision of private outdoor space. Housing tenures must address identified housing need in the Borough, particularly for affordable housing.

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